
We offer our clients a wide range of financial services.

Wealth Planning

Wealth planning services are provided by our in-house experts in collaboration with your personal advisors.

Investment Advisory

We offer you a dedicated advisor for personalized advice and managed portfolios that fit your long-term objectives.

Asset Management

With cutting edge asset management, Crestview Capital offers a wide range of services to our private clients.

Wealth Protection

Crestview Capital global custody services provide automated solutions that deliver timely, accurate results.

Tax & Legal Planning

We provide bespoke solutions to the maintaining your assets and minimizing tax liability regardless of jurisdiction.

Retirement Planning

Dedicated retirement advisors will assist you in creating a solution to protect and attain your unique goals.

Wealth Planning

We take a personalised approach to assessing your needs, which allows us to provide you with long-term, bespoke solutions.

First, we get to know you, working with you to assess your personal, family and professional situation. Following this, we identify your needs and tailor the management of your wealth to your tax environment, individual circumstances and country of residence.We also structure your assets to anticipate specific events, such as selling a business or making a gift, while also ensuring your loved ones are protected.

Our wealth planners are dedicated exclusively to the service of our clients. Our team is made up of local experts in any continent - Europe, Asia/Pacific, Middle East. Wherever you are, their core expertise in specialist jurisdictions means they can support you in local tax and legal issues, as well as cross-border concerns, wherever you are.

At Crestview Capital, wealth planning services are provided by our in-house experts, as well as external partners, in collaboration with your personal advisors.

Working together with our team of specialists, who offer fresh perspectives and discover new possibilities, your advisor will act as your financial partner, to create your wealth plan that will guide your financial decisions and evolve as life changes. Most importantly, we are here to help you realize your goals and achieve future success, however you define it.

Investment Advisory

You’ll work closely with your dedicated advisor for personalized advice and managed portfolios that fit your long-term objectives. Throughout your relationship with us, you’ll have access to ongoing monitoring of your performance, periodic rebalancing and regular reviews so you’ll always know where you stand and can take advantage of new opportunities in the market.

A dedicated advisor who gets to know you

• Advice tailored to your specific investment needs

• A comprehensive financial strategy and recommendations to help grow and preserve your wealth

• Choice to manage day-to-day investment decisions, or have your advisor do it for you

Disciplined investing

• Investment professionals who draw from research and insights to help make sense of the financial landscape and markets

• A broad selection of investment solutions, including custom managed portfolios driven by the thought leadership and methodologies of our Chief Investment Office

• Investment recommendations consistent with your risk tolerance, time horizon and goals

Clear pricing and ongoing monitoring

• Ongoing performance monitoring to help keep you on track

• Regular reviews, easy-to-read documents and a single agreement

Asset Management

Shake up the old-fashioned management codes, cutting hedge asset management for private clients In order to offer to our clients a cutting Hedge asset management, Crestview Capital offers a wide range of services to our international private clients.

Market access

• Systematic access to all market segments with automated trend tracking

• Diversified portfolio construction combining traditional and alternative investments to generate sustainable and stable performance

• Creation of customized financial products on demand

Tailor made Service

We have developed Skills and Partnerships for all your management needs

• Facilitated account opening solutions and choice of establishment adapted to your situation

• Negotiations of optimal conditions (fees and services)

• Asset structuring and consolidation

• Tax and estate assistance

• Production of necessary forms and statements

Wealth Protection

Efficiently and securely managing the trade lifecycle requires integrated technology and expertise in various functions, workflows and systems. Crestview Capital global custody services provide automated solutions that deliver timely, accurate results.

Respond to market demands

Whether you’re an asset manager or an asset owner, Crestview Capital provides real-time support for assets and around-the-clock service across the globe.

• Trade receipt, capture and settlement

• Safekeeping of assets

• Income collection and tax reclamation

• Corporate actions

• Proxy voting and class actions

Insurance & Protection Solutions

Your dedicated wealth manager will work with you to understand your insurance needs and how these fit with your investment, protection and finance solutions.

Tailored solutions from the world’s best insurance providers

Crestview Capital has access to the world’s most well-known insurers and we can source a variety of high-quality products from our network. We ensure that all products and solutions are highly tailored to your needs and support your investments, existing provisions and long-term financial plans.

Liquidity in a crisis

We can help to deliver liquidity in a crisis. With wealth planning in particular, we find that a trust and fiduciary structure combined with an insurance solution can help to deliver liquidity in a crisis.


We offer universal life cover, term/whole-of-life protection and critical illness cover.

Tax & Legal Planning

At Crestview Capital, we know how important tax is in terms of financial planning. That is why we have been helping personal and corporate clients to organise their affairs in a tax-efficient manner.

Whilst Crestview Capital’s stance on anything that is not statutory in nature has hardened, we continue to believe in the importance of tax-efficient investments as part of your overall investment strategy.

Successive governments have created and implemented legislation to support certain types of investment, and we seek to use non-contentious solutions based on these statutory allowances. The tax relief can be up to 50% of the amount invested, or may provide significant risk mitigation.

We have a very strict due diligence process and dedicated resources for all such investments. Several of our key members are particularly skilled in this arena, and oversee the entire group’s activities, meaning we can apply the full breadth and depth of both our knowledge and experience when advising you in these matters.

As with any aspect of financial planning, it is essential to build a detailed picture of your current position, both in terms of asset base and past, present and likely future tax liabilities. We will also make sure we fully understand your attitude towards tax and tax risk, and where appropriate, we will work with your other professional advisers to provide a co-ordinated solution - which may require either a simple overhaul or more complex tax re-structuring.

We believe this approach adds significant value to every client's overall financial position. Moreover, our level of expertise has led to a number of other IFAs referring their clients to us for advice in this specific area.

Crestview Capital offers full advice to clients on:

• Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS)

• Venture Capital Trusts (VCT)

• Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes (SEIS)

Retirement Planning

At Crestview Capital our highly-qualified, experienced, independent advisers will help you.

Perhaps you require assistance with a specific pension problem, or want a full review of all your schemes with a view to consolidating. Maybe you are unhappy with how your pension has performed, or you would like more control over investment decisions. Whatever you need, we are here to help.

Your adviser will work closely with you to fully understand your current position and establish your needs. Then they will take you through a comprehensive process - backed by thorough research - to make sure you get the best value in terms of services and products. These can range from simple personal pensions and Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs), right through to complex and unusual pension investments, such as unlisted shares and loans from pension funds to clients' businesses.

At Crestview Capital we advise on all types of pensions through our unrestricted, unbiased and independent approach, including:

• Personal Pensions, SIPPs, WRAP, RACs

• Company Pensions, GPPs, SSASs and Group Money Purchase

• Review and Transfer Advice (including Final Salary schemes)

• Retirement Analysis and Forecasting (including pensions in divorce cases)

• At-Retirement Planning, Annuities, Capped and Flexible Drawdown

And once we have established the right structure, we will provide you with an ongoing programme of regular reviews designed to ensure you build and develop your wealth.

What is share dealing?

Share dealing, also known as stock trading or equity trading, refers to the buying and selling of ownership shares (equity) in publicly listed companies or organizations on a stock exchange. When individuals or institutional investors engage in share dealing, they are essentially buying ownership stakes in a company, and in return, they may benefit from potential capital appreciation and dividend income.

The process involves purchasing shares at a specific price and selling them at a later time, ideally for a higher price to make a profit. Conversely, if the shares are sold for a lower price than the purchase price, a loss is incurred. Share dealing can be done through various means, including brokerage accounts, online trading platforms, and financial advisors.

Key terms associated with share dealing include:

1. Buy Order: An instruction to purchase a specific number of shares of a particular company at a designated price.

2. Sell Order: An instruction to sell a specific number of shares of a particular company at a designated price.

3. Bid Price: The highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a share.

4. Ask Price: The lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell a share.

5. Market Price: The current price at which a share is being bought or sold in the market.

6. Brokerage Fee: The fee charged by a brokerage firm for facilitating share transactions.

Share dealing plays a significant role in financial markets, allowing investors to participate in the growth and profitability of companies and potentially generate returns on their investments. It also contributes to market liquidity and efficient price discovery. However, it's important to note that share dealing involves risks, and investors should carefully consider their investment goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions before engaging in trading activities.

Where does share dealing take place?

Stock exchanges are centralized platforms or markets where buyers and sellers come together to trade ownership shares (stocks or equities) of publicly listed companies. These exchanges provide a regulated environment for the trading of securities, ensuring transparency, liquidity, and fair pricing. Stock exchanges play a crucial role in facilitating capital formation, allowing companies to raise funds by selling shares to the public.

Here's a brief overview of some major stock exchanges:

1. NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations): NASDAQ is an American stock exchange known for its electronic trading platform. It's renowned for technology and internet-related companies. NASDAQ operates in a dealer market structure, where market participants can buy and sell securities directly with each other electronically. It's often associated with tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google parent company Alphabet, and Microsoft.

2. NYSE (New York Stock Exchange): NYSE is one of the largest and most well-known stock exchanges in the world. It's located on Wall Street in New York City and is known for its traditional open outcry trading system, although it has adopted electronic trading as well. NYSE lists a wide range of companies from various sectors and is often associated with blue-chip companies like Coca-Cola, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, and Exxon Mobil.

3. HKEX (Hong Kong Stock Exchange): HKEX is the stock exchange based in Hong Kong, a major global financial hub. It facilitates trading of a diverse range of securities, including equities, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), derivatives, and more. HKEX is significant for companies operating in Asia and is a key market for both local and international investors interested in Asian businesses.

4. FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) Group: FTSE is not a stock exchange itself, but rather a British provider of financial market indices. The FTSE Group manages and calculates various stock indices, including the FTSE 100, FTSE 250, and others. The FTSE indices are widely used as benchmarks to gauge the performance of different segments of the stock market in the United Kingdom.

These stock exchanges are crucial components of the global financial ecosystem, playing a vital role in connecting investors with companies seeking capital. Each exchange has its unique characteristics, listing requirements, trading systems, and regulatory frameworks tailored to the specific region and the types of companies it attracts.

What’s an IPO?

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the process through which a privately held company transforms into a public company by offering its shares to the public for the first time. In an IPO, a company issues new shares to raise capital from external investors, and these shares become publicly tradable on a stock exchange.

Here's a breakdown of the key steps and aspects of an IPO:

1. Preparation and Planning: The company, often with the assistance of investment banks and financial advisors, prepares for the IPO by evaluating its financials, business model, market conditions, and determining the appropriate share price and number of shares to issue.

2. Regulatory Approval and Filing: The company files a registration statement with the appropriate regulatory authority (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States) disclosing essential information about its operations, financials, risks, and future plans.

3. Underwriting: The company works with investment banks (underwriters) to determine the offering price and structure. The underwriters help market the shares to potential investors and agree on the final offering price.

4. Roadshow and Marketing: The company and its underwriters conduct a "roadshow" to promote the IPO to potential investors, presenting the company's business and growth prospects.

5. Pricing and Allocations: Based on the response from investors, the underwriters and the company determine the final offering price per share. The underwriters allocate shares to institutional and retail investors.

6. Listing on Stock Exchange: After the IPO is priced and the shares are allocated, the company's shares are listed on a stock exchange, making them publicly tradable.

7. Trading Begins: On the IPO date, the company's shares start trading on the stock exchange. Investors can buy and sell these shares, determining their market value based on supply and demand.

8. Post-IPO Operations: The company is now a public entity and must comply with relevant regulatory requirements, disclose financial information regularly, and fulfill its obligations to shareholders.

An IPO is a critical event for a company, allowing it to raise significant capital for growth, debt reduction, acquisitions, or other corporate purposes. It also provides an exit opportunity for early investors and founders, as they can sell some of their shares during the IPO process. However, going public also entails increased regulatory scrutiny, reporting requirements, and transparency obligations.

What’s a SPAC?

A Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC), also known as a "blank-check company," is a unique type of publicly traded company formed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or merging with another company. The main objective of a SPAC is to raise funds through an initial public offering (IPO) with the intention of using those funds to acquire an existing private company, making it public in the process.

Here are the key characteristics and elements of a SPAC:

1. Formation and IPO: A group of sponsors or investors, often led by experienced executives or investors (promoters), forms a SPAC. The SPAC is typically structured as a shell company with no specific business operations or assets at the time of its IPO.

2. IPO and Fundraising: The SPAC goes public through an IPO, raising capital by selling shares to the public. The funds raised are held in a trust or escrow account until a suitable target company is identified and the acquisition process begins.

3. Blank-Check Nature: SPACs are referred to as "blank-check" companies because investors contribute funds to the IPO without knowing the specific company or businesses the SPAC will ultimately acquire.

4. Search for a Target: After the IPO, the SPAC has a limited timeframe (typically around 18-24 months) to identify and acquire a target company. The SPAC's management and sponsors use their expertise to search for a suitable acquisition opportunity.

5. Acquisition and Merger: Once a target company is identified, the SPAC initiates the merger or acquisition process, using the funds from the IPO to facilitate the transaction. The target company thus becomes a publicly traded entity, and the SPAC's shareholders become shareholders of the merged entity.

6. Shareholder Approval: Shareholders of the SPAC must approve the acquisition or merger with the identified target company, often through a shareholder vote.

SPACs have gained popularity as an alternative path for companies to go public. They offer potential benefits such as a faster timeline to becoming a publicly traded company and reduced uncertainty in the IPO process, as the IPO funds are already secured. However, they also have their own set of risks, including market volatility, uncertainty regarding the acquisition target, and potential dilution for existing shareholders after the merger.

It's important to note that regulatory frameworks and requirements related to SPACs may vary by jurisdiction, and investors should carefully consider the specific terms and conditions of each SPAC offering.

What’s an ETF?

An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a type of investment fund that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, commodities, or other assets. ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, allowing investors to buy and sell shares throughout the trading day at market prices. They provide a way for investors to gain exposure to a wide range of assets or sectors without having to directly purchase individual securities.

Key features and characteristics of ETFs include:

1. Diversification: ETFs typically hold a diversified basket of assets, providing investors with exposure to a broad market index, sector, industry, or asset class. This diversification helps spread risk across multiple holdings.

2. Liquidity: ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, providing liquidity and allowing investors to buy and sell shares at prevailing market prices throughout the trading day. This is in contrast to traditional mutual funds, which are typically traded once a day after market close.

3. Transparency: ETFs disclose their holdings on a daily basis, allowing investors to see the securities held within the fund. This transparency provides insights into the fund's composition and helps investors make informed decisions.

4. Low Expenses: ETFs generally have lower expense ratios compared to traditional mutual funds, making them a cost-effective investment option. This is due to their passive management approach, where they aim to replicate the performance of a specific index rather than actively selecting and managing securities.

5. Tax Efficiency: ETFs are structured to be tax-efficient investment vehicles, as they may have lower portfolio turnover and may utilize in-kind creation and redemption processes to manage tax consequences.

6. Flexibility: ETFs offer a wide range of investment options, covering various asset classes such as equities, bonds, commodities, real estate, and more. Investors can choose ETFs based on their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

7. Creation and Redemption: ETF shares are created and redeemed through an authorized participant, a specialized market participant. When demand for ETF shares increases, new shares are created, and when demand decreases, shares are redeemed.

Overall, ETFs provide investors with a convenient and flexible way to diversify their investment portfolios, trade in real time, and gain exposure to a wide array of asset classes and market segments. However, investors should carefully consider the risks, objectives, and strategies of a specific ETF before investing.